Irobot Roomba i7+ Review
I informed my friend when we adopted Addy, our gorgeous puppy, that golden retrievers shed a lot. Despite my cautions, he had no idea how much hair a single dog could produce. He pretended it was just a seasonal shed at first, but after three months of daily Swiffering, he finally realized that our apartment and clothes would be covered in dog hair for the rest of our lives.
It was Black Friday a few weeks later, and I was checking Amazon's daily specials when I noticed that the iRobot Roomba i7+ was on sale for $700, which was $300 cheaper than its original price. Despite my previous lack of enthusiasm about robot vacuums, I figured it would make a good Christmas gift for our pet hair–stricken household and made an impulse purchase.

Today, it's been almost 3 months, and we are more than satisfied because of the loyal performance of iRobot Roomba. Following are some of the reasons why we never doubt this amazingly affordable dog vacuum.
Roomba i7+ Review - Why Did I Give a Try to Roomba i7+?
While searching for an answer to what is the best handheld vacuum, I had an early iteration of the Roomba a few years ago, and to be honest, I didn't like it for the reasons I explain in this post.

The Roomba i7+, on the other hand, is one of iRobot's more recent versions, and it comes with a slew of additional advanced functions and vacuum attachments. For example, this model is claimed to be great for pet hair since it contains two rubber brush rollers that suck hair out of carpets—if you've ever tried the "life hack" of dragging a squeegee over your carpeting, you know how effective this is. A high-efficiency filter on the i7+ captures 99 percent of pet dander, pollen, mold, and dust mites.
But it was the fact that the i7+ mechanically empties its own dirt bin that drew my interest. One of my major complaints with my previous Roomba was that the dirt bin needed to be emptied after each session, thus this feature was one of the main reasons I was willing to give Roomba another chance.
All of these new capabilities drew my attention, but I wasn't ready or prepared to spend $1,000 on a vacuum cleaner—after all, we already have a Dyson Ball Animal 2 and a Swiffer for daily hair removal. However, as luck would have it, the price dropped to $700 for a few days over Cyber Weekend, and I succumbed to temptation and bought it.
Best Robotic Vacuum For Pet Hair - Why I Like This Robotic Dog Vacuum?
Ruby the Roomba has quickly become a vital part of our family after only a month of use. Even Addy, who was initially afraid of the robot vacuum, has warmed up to it and now follows Ruby around when she cleans. It's quite adorable. Maybe one day I'll convince my cat to ride on Ruby's back so we can make a viral video of a cat having a ride on a Roomba.
Anyway, I'm getting off track. The following are the primary reasons why we like our iRobot Roomba i7+.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Review - Best Smart Mapping Robot Vacuum

Our new Roomba completed its "smart mapping" process the first few times we used it. Basically, it cleans the entire house while making a map of each room. (You'll notice there's no bedroom on our map—we locked it out because it couldn't handle the thick shag carpet.) After you've completed the mapping, you may use the app to draw lines on the diagram, creating and labeling each area in your home.
What makes this so special? For starters, you can have your Roomba clean only one or two rooms at a time. After brushing Addy, which leaves the carpet covered with stray hair, I frequently use this tool. All I have to do now is command Ruby to clean the living room, and she'll rush over and tidy up the hairy mess that's been left behind.
You can also use this function to create virtual "keep-out zones," or areas where the robot should not travel. This option is used to safeguard Addy's food bowls from being pushed around the floor by Ruby. It's a lot easier than having to clean up the dishes every time the vacuum runs.
Pet Hair Vacuum - Robotic Vacuum Pros

The primary reason I purchased this robotic vacuum was to address our pet hair issue. You can see Addy's light-colored hair all up and down the hallway if we don't sweep or vacuum every day, and there are always rabbit-sized dust bunnies lurking under furniture if we don't sweep or vacuum every day.
Ruby had her work cut out for her, and we were pleased by her ability to rise to the occasion. We have her running three times a week, and she does an excellent job of collecting up hair from both the hardwood floors and the carpet in our living room. The i7+ gets around the room's perimeter as well as under numerous pieces of furniture (she can't fit under the couch, sadly), and when she's finished, there's very little hair left hanging around.
There's no need for daily cleaning now that Ruby is around; instead, our trusty dust mop is used for quick touch-ups.
Robotic vacuums have several advantages over traditional vacuums:
Irobot Roomba i7+ Convenience
Robotic vacuums can be programmed to clean at specific times, allowing you to schedule cleaning around your busy schedule. They can also be controlled remotely using a smartphone app or voice commands.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Efficiency
Robotic vacuums use advanced navigation systems to move around your home, ensuring that they cover all areas of your floor and don't miss any spots.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Hands-free Cleaning
Robotic vacuums are self-sufficient and can clean your home without any human intervention, allowing you to focus on other tasks.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Advanced Features
Some robotic vacuums come with advanced features such as dirt detection, self-emptying dustbin, and multi-room cleaning, which makes cleaning more efficient.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Low Maintenance
Robotic vacuums have fewer moving parts than traditional vacuums, which makes them less likely to break and easier to maintain.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Good For People With Mobility Issues
Robotic vacuums can be a great option for people who have mobility issues and find it difficult to use traditional vacuums.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Good For Pet Owners
Some robotic vacuums come with special filters that can help capture pet hair and dander, making them a great option for pet owners.
Irobot Roomba I7+ Review - Self Emptying Robot Vacuum Pet Hair

I'm delighted to report that the Roomba i7self-emptying +'s feature is every bit as lovely as it appears. Ruby comes to her dock after each cleaning session and dumps the pet hair, grime, and debris she's collected into the base. She may even have to take a break in the middle of a cycle to empty the dust bin, after which she resumes where she left off. It's quite incredible to watch!
The disposable AllergenLock bag within the base is meant to contain up to two months' worth of detritus, but due to the volume of hair in our house, I was concerned that it would need to be replaced much more regularly. It's been almost a month, and the bag is still not completely full. If I had to estimate, I'd admit it won't last 60 days, but it can certainly carry several weeks' worth of dog hair!
Roomba Cons - Being Unbiased, here's a Small List of Things We Don't Like About the i7+
Is it possible to create a flawless product? Possibly not. Everything has weaknesses, and the iRobot Roomba i7+ is no exception. Here are the details that irritate us.
Roomba I7 Noise Level - How Loud Is A Roomba

There are some robot vacuums that claim to be so silent that they can be used while you sleep, but Ruby isn't one of them. When operating, this robotic roomba making loud noise—on its par with, if not louder than, my old Roomba. Furthermore, when it empties into its base, the intense suction causes a huge whooshing noise.
Is this the end of the world? No. It's only used throughout the day. However, if you're attempting to talk on the phone or watch TV, it'll be inconvenient.
Roomba Clean Base - Roomba Clean Base Not Working

Personally, I don't mind (possibly since this is a problem with all robot vacuums), but my friend can't stand how Ruby doesn't clean the space surrounding her base. The vacuum does not clean on either side of the Roomba dock, probably to avoid knocking it out of place by accident.
However, dog hair collects in this area on a regular basis, necessitating the use of the Swiffer or, more typically, pushing the hair into Ruby's path for her to grasp.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Review - Is A Roomba Good For Dog Hair

If you asked me if I would buy the iRobot Roomba i7+ again, I would say YES without hesitation. It's made a significant difference in our lives, allowing us to keep our multi-pet household a little cleaner. Plus, it's more useful than inconvenient, which was my biggest complaint about earlier "stupid" robot vacuum versions. Heck, I'm so fond of the i7+ that I'm willing to pay full price for it! (Fortunately for you, it's virtually always on sale these days.)
I'm sure it goes without speaking at this point, but I would enthusiastically recommend this product to pet owners searching for a way to combat pet hair. The Roomba i7+ picks up hair from rugs and hardwood floors with ease, and its smart features make it convenient and straightforward to use. It's a worthy statement, especially for those who are sick of daily mopping and sweeping.
Irobot Roomba i7+ Review - Roomba Cons
The iRobot Roomba i7+ is a high-end robotic vacuum cleaner that comes with many advanced features, but it also has some drawbacks:
Irobot Roomba i7+ - High cost
The Roomba i7+ is one of the most expensive robotic vacuums on the market, which may be a deterrent for some buyers.
Irobot Roomba i7+ - Loud Noise Level
Some users have reported that the Roomba i7+ can be quite loud when in operation, which may be a problem for some people.
Irobot Roomba i7+ - Gets Stuck In Tight Spaces
The Roomba i7+ is a large and bulky machine, and it can have trouble navigating tight spaces such as under furniture.
Irobot Roomba i7+ - Limited Battery Life
The Roomba i7+ can only run for up to 75 minutes per charge, which may not be enough to clean larger homes.
Irobot Roomba i7+ - Limited Mapping Capabilities
The Roomba i7+ can only map and clean one level of a home, it can not go upstairs or downstairs.
Irobot Roomba i7+ - Limited Customer Service and Warranty
Some users have reported issues with customer service and warranty when they had problems with the Roomba i7+.
Irobot Roomba i7+ - Self-emptying Dock Can Be Problematic
Some users have reported issues with the self-emptying dock not working properly, which can be inconvenient.
It's worth noting that these cons are not a definitive list, and may vary with individual usage, but it's worth considering these cons before making a purchase.
Final Verdict - Irobot Roomba i7+ Review
In conclusion, the iRobot Roomba i7+ is a high-end robotic vacuum cleaner that offers advanced features and convenience. It boasts an intelligent navigation system, self-emptying capabilities, and advanced dirt detection technology. It's a great option for those who want a robotic vacuum cleaner that can clean multiple rooms and can be controlled through voice commands.
However, it is quite expensive, and some users might find it hard to justify the high cost. Additionally, the Roomba i7+ can be quite loud when in operation, and it can have trouble navigating tight spaces such as under furniture. It also has limited battery life, limited mapping capabilities, limited customer service and warranty. And the self-emptying dock can be problematic. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a purchase decision.
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